Back to basics
Before you discard a dissertation idea, first see if you can salvage it.
The principles of storytelling can be successfully applied to academic writing to make your research more compelling.
At several points in your writing, getting back to pen and paper can help you to improve the structure of your work.
The best preparation for writing is not to prepare at all. Go for a brisk walk, then dive in.
Heather Dyer I am an academic writer and a children’s author. On the face of it, these two forms of writing are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But actually, they have a lot in common. • They’re both about…
When you start a new assignment, try to allow yourself the freedom to think creatively about it, in a relaxed way.
Using kinaesthetic methods can help you to overcome some of the knotty problems that get in the way of writing.
A wide variety of techniques can assist you to find the perfect topic for your assignment.
Freewriting is not only useful at the ideas stage but is also a fantastic tool for making connections in the structure of your work.
If you stumble across an obstacle in your writing, see if you can embrace it and incorporate it into your work;