Stylish segues
To make your writing flow, take the outgoing idea from the end of a paragraph and show how it connects to the idea in the next one.
Top Techniques offers useful ideas to improve writing, gathered from the experiences of Consultant Fellows working with students and staff.
Top Techniques offers useful ideas to improve writing, gathered from the experiences of Consultant Fellows working with students and staff.
To make your writing flow, take the outgoing idea from the end of a paragraph and show how it connects to the idea in the next one.
If you’re studying online for longer than usual, take some five-minute breathers that will give your mind a break and might even lead to great ideas.
Wrestling with the question indicates that you’re not accepting the usual assumptions and you’re up for a battle of ideas.
The particular rhythms of repetitive tasks and tedious domestic duties can give you valuable problem-solving space.
Printing a draft is like taking out a map halfway through a journey to remind yourself of where you’re going.
Sometimes you can selectively prune your writing, but sometimes you need to cut a whole section.
Use a checklist of your own bad writing habits to correct and improve your work.