A sample of what clients and participants have said about our learning interventions:
Anne has the unique ability to bring out the ‘story’ behind the science, turning empirical descriptions into beautiful prose that is both exciting and scientifically sound. In her grant writing workshop, she puts special emphasis on learning as much as possible about the funding body, so that applications fit their remit. This is something scientists do not consider enough.
— Professor of Toxicology and Environmental Health
I thought this was a fantastic workshop, and thoroughly enjoyable and constructive from start to finish. I really appreciated Jennifer’s insights and getting feedback from her … By the end, I was desperate to get back to writing my book and was viewing the project with fresh eyes and enthusiasm.
— Lecturer in History
This was an incredibly useful week – I got to think much more explicitly about the writing process. It has given me a whole set of tools for teaching and mentoring writing, but probably of most use is the chance to consider my own writing. I have discovered all sorts of things I do in my writing (some good, some bad) that I didn’t realise I was doing.
— Reader in Theoretical Astrophysics
The workshop was pitched perfectly. Jennifer understood the peculiar challenges of academic writing and gave good advice on how to meet them. I enjoyed the group work too — tasks were useful in facilitating discussion and it was good to talk to colleagues about writing practices.
— Professor of British History
I wanted to… let you know how much I feel I have benefited from this course… The one-to-one session was particularly useful in formulating my argument and helping to add clarity to my work.
— Social Science doctoral student
This workshop completely changed the way I write. It has opened my eyes and shown me where I am going wrong.
— First year Social Work undergraduate
I think the way the whole retreat was structured enabled me to think in new ways and to be in touch with my creative side. … The rest of the week was one big long light bulb moment … it was wonderful to witness other people’s journeys too. I left on a high!
— Lecturer in Criminology
Although we have excellent student support services within the university, this course offered something to all the students who attended, whether they have specific learning needs or not. I saw their confidence grow as the course progressed.
— Senior Lecturer in Social Work
Cath’s sessions are of a very high standard with a great balance between theoretical input and practical application. … Her workshops are mainly aimed at undergraduate students and we continuously receive excellent feedback for her sessions.
— Academic Study Skills Development Coordinator
The workshop consisted of a variety of useful strategies and allowed essential time to consider personal projects. Anna’s guidance enabled me to successfully convert from an academic, to a journalistic style of writing and has resulted in three publications in a magazine relating to my professional practice. Anna’s relaxed and reassuring but constructive approach instilled confidence and enabled actual outputs.
— Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
Of course it’s a given that you need the proper space and time to write – but without focus on content and narrative craft we’d be churning out the same turgid stuff, just more efficiently. … The week vastly exceeded my expectations and I think will have a profound effect on my writing.
— Research Fellow
Critical reflection on what I do for a living is so incredibly rare to come by. … Now I know what to look for and I have a set of tools to use … The generosity and authenticity of Tina and Marina were crucial in finding a part of me I thought was long gone.
— Associate Professor, International Relations
The most useful formal training I’ve done while doing my PhD. . . Lydia is a lovely and warm facilitator with an immense amount of knowledge. Above all, she’s helped to demystify the writing process for me.
— Doctoral student
Helpful, clear, constructive, thought-provoking, and it already pushed me to be more reflective about my writing practice.
— Doctoral student, arts and humanities
This workshop has surpassed my expectations. I can’t thank you enough!
— First year doctoral student in social sciences
I have thoroughly enjoyed both days of this workshop! It has given me a multitude of ways to connect with my own writing, and approach the different stages in lots of new and exciting creative ways.
— Arts and humanities doctoral student