Searching for inspiration
A wide variety of techniques can assist you to find the perfect topic for your assignment.
What’s Happening? highlights the work of RLF Consultant Fellows (CFs). Each post features reflections from one of the CFs about the relationship between their creative work and their writing development workshops.
It offers valuable insights for students, academics and writers, and gives a glimpse into how CFs work and the people behind the workshops.
What’s Happening? highlights the work of RLF Consultant Fellows (CFs). Each post features reflections from one of the CFs about the relationship between their creative work and their writing development workshops.
It offers valuable insights for students, academics and writers, and gives a glimpse into how CFs work and the people behind the workshops.
A wide variety of techniques can assist you to find the perfect topic for your assignment.
Freewriting is not only useful at the ideas stage but is also a fantastic tool for making connections in the structure of your work.
If you stumble across an obstacle in your writing, see if you can embrace it and incorporate it into your work;
Sometimes, it's hard to see the wood for the trees in your writing. Here's a way of achieving an overview of your project to help to keep you on track.
Adopting an efficient reading strategy will help you to understand research papers more easily and save you time.
A visual approach using storyboarding can be invaluable for planning a writing assignment
When you are attempting to find the correct tone as a novelist or student, study the tonal technique of the authors you admire - their words, phrases, sentence and paragraph structure.
Here, the story of Victor Frankenstein is used to demonstrate the development of an argument.
Freewriting for a few minutes can help you to break through writer's block and achieve fresh insight. It is helpful for problem solving in general.
If you hate the thought of editing your work, break down the task into manageable chunks and keep in mind that every editorial task you carry out will improve your writing.