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How to quote in your essay

Quoting other writers in your work shows that you are engaging closely with the sources you are citing and can back up your ideas with evidence. Here are three ways to include direct quotes: 1 Integrate the quote in your…

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Transition words

Transition words and phrases help your work to flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next. They act as a helpful signpost.

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Keeping up the momentum

Break down the job into a numbered list of tasks. Crossing off the items as you complete them will give you a feeling of achievement.

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man looking at map

Printing your work

Printing a draft is like taking out a map halfway through a journey to remind yourself of where you’re going.

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man writing on notepad

Keep the title in view

Whether I’m writing a chapter of a book, a report, or indeed a blog post, I keep the title in front of me. I write on a computer but always have a notebook and pen next to it. I jot…

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The point of no return

Setting a point of no return forces you to stop, take an objective look at your work and spot any wrong turns before you go any further.

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