Editing like a pro
Finessing an argument and spotting typos need different mindsets. Whether you’re writing an essay or a PhD, you need to be the editor as well as the author.
Finessing an argument and spotting typos need different mindsets. Whether you’re writing an essay or a PhD, you need to be the editor as well as the author.
Proofreading is a final check on a piece of finished work, so make sure you don’t start before you’ve, well, finished. Publishing houses send their proofs out to specialist proofreaders, but if you are proofing your own work, you need…
When you're writing, picture yourself working in a room and re-position your imagined reader as you progress.
You might be surprised to learn that it could be more efficient to spend less time on drafting and longer on other aspects of your writing.
Trying reading your work aloud, recruiting a proofreading buddy, and converting your text into an unusual font to spot your errors.
To proofread, try printing out your work double spaced and in a different typeface.
Always print out your work before you submit it - I guarantee you'll spot mistakes you hadn't noticed on screen.