Don’t forget to think
1 Starting thoughts When an essay assignment arrives, read the title slowly. Put it aside for an hour then read it again. Take 15 minutes to ask yourself: • Do I understand what’s being asked of me? You might need…
1 Starting thoughts When an essay assignment arrives, read the title slowly. Put it aside for an hour then read it again. Take 15 minutes to ask yourself: • Do I understand what’s being asked of me? You might need…
Flow is never a problem if you know what your argument is, you can identify the points and you know which order they should take.
Note all your deadlines on a planner and create false deadlines to allow yourself extra time.
Keep a notebook with you at all times to jot down ideas for your next writing stint.
Academic writing is a significant challenge for predominantly visual thinkers. Here are some ways to help them to convert an explosion of connected ideas into a linear format.
Cherise Saywell When coaching students nervous about the blank page, I’ve often used the word limit as a technique for getting started. A big project, such as a PhD thesis, is less intimidating once you break it down. For example,…
When writing your thesis, you may find that you go through moments of disengagement and even be tempted to give up. If this happens, try to reconnect with your passion for the subject.
'I try to write only between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. In this way, I am putting some boundaries around my work.'
'Building a sturdy framework takes time and effort, but it’s the most important part of the writing process.'