Write a successful abstract
A good abstract tells the story of your research, explains its significance and shows the reader what your research achieves.
A good abstract tells the story of your research, explains its significance and shows the reader what your research achieves.
We cannot resist the lure of a good story. A desire to see a narrative also permeates many areas of academia.
Writing can be a lonely business. By starting a diary, you will create a kind of companion at your desk and a record of the writing process.
Dr Lucy English Reflective writing is used in subjects as varied as education, nursing, sociology and the creative arts as a method to reflect on the learning experience. Students often find reflective writing difficult. How do you write about your…
Students want their text to get to the point, and for their argument to be easy to understand. Their writing needs to be clear and concise.
In the final phase of your PhD, approach late-stage setbacks in practical ways to distract from the doubts.
Are you failing to progress with your writing? This enhanced freewriting technique can help you get back on track.
Developing a critical mindset involves drawing on qualities including confidence, motivation, curiosity and effort.
Connect with your writerly self and try thinking about your writing in the way that professional writers do.
Exploring their research question in a supportive environment helps early-stage researchers to manage the uncertainty of their topic.