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In his practical, hands-on workshops for undergraduates, postgraduates and professional clients, Julian focuses on getting people to enjoy finding better ways to express themselves

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Additional expertise:
  • central and eastern European politics
  • European literature
  • life writing
  • modern languages
  • radio and tv broadcaster
  • travel writing
  • writing for business

Courses offered by Julian Evans include:

  • Improving your dissertation writing
  • Putting the creative back into academic writing
  • The arc of narrative: finding the story in your research and writing it
  • Perfect pitch: successful personal statements, abstracts and proposals
  • Great composers: turning ideas into the right words for the right audience
  • Making a career in literary translation
Julian is a biographer, journalist and essayist with several years’ experience of teaching writing skills adapted to different academic and professional needs. A radio and TV broadcaster and an experienced translator with an MA in Modern Languages, he has spoken and taught across many subject areas, from contemporary politics to the twentieth-century novel.

Beginning his career in publishing, he turned to writing when he made a journey across the Pacific Ocean that ended at a US nuclear-missile test range. Since publishing the book that resulted, Transit of Venus, he has written and presented many documentaries, including the twenty-part BBC Radio 3 series on the European novel, The Romantic Road. His latest book is the authorised biography of the writer and adventurer Norman Lewis, Semi-Invisible Man (2008). He is a contributor to the Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent, Prospect, New Statesman, Times Literary Supplement and Condé Nast Traveller.

Julian was a Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow at Bristol University and then at the University of the West of England from 2009–2012. In 2014 he returned to UWE as a tutor and consultant to the Department of Health and Social Sciences’ new writing development programme.


Discipline areas: Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
Topics: Essays, dissertations, theses, literature reviews, reflective commentaries, books, communicating with non-specialists, preparing for conferences
Participants: Undergraduates, postgraduates (research), postgraduates (taught), staff (academic), staff (non-academic)
Activities: Workshops, retreats, immersives, seminars, tutorials, talks/presentations
Consultant's background: Non-fiction, biographer, journalist
Location: West and South West England
Availability for travel: International
Testimonials for Julian Evans

I feel I’ve learnt more about university essay writing over the course of two weekends than I have during my two years at university.

-- Second year Modern Languages undergraduate

These weekends have made me remember that I do actually like writing essays … massively beneficial.

-- Second year Modern Languages undergraduate

It was a great experience … it pushed me out of my comfort zone and I learnt that writing is primary for me.

-- Second year Modern Languages undergraduate

I was encouraged to reflect upon my writing in a more critical fashion and given some useful practical tips too.

-- Masters in Social Science student

Really, really helpful and great advice. I feel a lot more confident about writing my dissertation now.

-- Third year Politics undergraduate
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