Getting through sticking points in your PhD thesis
In the final phase of your PhD, approach late-stage setbacks in practical ways to distract from the doubts.
In the final phase of your PhD, approach late-stage setbacks in practical ways to distract from the doubts.
Are you failing to progress with your writing? This enhanced freewriting technique can help you get back on track.
Break down the job into a numbered list of tasks. Crossing off the items as you complete them will give you a feeling of achievement.
Ideas tend to come when we’re not racking our brains. They surprise us when the mind is relaxed and wandering over our material.
Writing training for PhD students is best when it is differentiated for each year group.
Try working somewhere different to gain a new perspective on your writing.
If you're stuck in your writing, go for a walk. The changes in your surroundings can trigger changes in your thinking.
If you're stuck in your writing, try some freewriting to help liberate your thoughts and allow you to get on with it.
The best preparation for writing is not to prepare at all. Go for a brisk walk, then dive in.
Using kinaesthetic methods can help you to overcome some of the knotty problems that get in the way of writing.