How to read more effectively
Engage with your reading more deeply by using this 40-minute read-think-write method. It will save you time too.
Consultant Fellows offer practical suggestions to help students to resolve common academic writing issues.
Consultant Fellows offer practical suggestions to help students to resolve common academic writing issues.
Engage with your reading more deeply by using this 40-minute read-think-write method. It will save you time too.
If you’re a procrastinator, it's important to make a start – any start – but begin early. And write actual sentences on the page.
It's useful to think of endings as looking in one of three different directions: look back; look forwards; look beyond.
Break down the job into a numbered list of tasks. Crossing off the items as you complete them will give you a feeling of achievement.
You may want to launch into your most difficult task first. But if this feels intimidating, start with the quick, simple jobs.
1 Starting thoughts When an essay assignment arrives, read the title slowly. Put it aside for an hour then read it again. Take 15 minutes to ask yourself: • Do I understand what’s being asked of me? You might need…
Provide guidance for your reader to help them to navigate smoothly through your document without losing the thread of your argument.
Note all your deadlines on a planner and create false deadlines to allow yourself extra time.
Keep a notebook with you at all times to jot down ideas for your next writing stint.
Trying reading your work aloud, recruiting a proofreading buddy, and converting your text into an unusual font to spot your errors.